Thursday, 6 June 2013

Skinny Fat Solution in His First Show

You’re in a cage of your own.
Created from a combination of genetics and environment that spat out an ever-so unique skinny-fat build. Thin wrists. Chunky love handles. Moobs. No muscles. Narrow shoulders.
Do you want to to set yourself free of your cage?
Perhaps lose the stubborn body fat? Perhaps build an “X” physique? Perhaps stop the stretch marks from further amassing?
You need a special key to unlock your unique cage.
You’re already at a crossroad. You’re skinny. You’re fat. Should you gain muscle? Should you lose fat? Does it matter what happens first? (Hint: Yes, it matters. And it matters more than you can you imagine.)
(YES, I had the chance to write for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s personal website, and I choose to write about skinny-fat syndrome.)
That should tell you all you need to know. (Well, that and that I have a perpetual love for Dragon Ball Z, and I think watching Goku turn Super Saiyan changed my life.)
There’s just one question you need to ask yourself.
What’s out there that’s not only specifically designed for a skinny-fat sufferer, but also byan honest skinny-fat sufferer?

So you have a choice right now.
You can stay in your cage. Or you can become king.
I’m an actual skinny-fat sufferer. I live with the scars – the stretch marks of my past, the propensity to gain fat. But I know how to beat it, and I’d love nothing more than to help you do the same. I want you to stop growing the stretch marks before they become permanent. I want you to stop putting on stubborn body fat that plagues muscle building adventures (and even just your life) for years to come. I want you to build an “X” physique.
If you want to stop wasting time, you need to check out THE Skinny Fat Solution 

Your new life awaits. Break free.

>>  !!Get it Now  <<


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