Thursday, 6 June 2013

Skinny Fat Solution Standard Pack

The Solution and Lifestyle Guide gives you an overview of why you’re skinny-fat: the unique conglomeration of catastrophes that spat out the physiology of a menopausal female. You’ll learn how lifestyle impacts your internal workings, and how you’re making yourself more skinny-fat with something as silly as your commute to work, and general approach to the world.

The Nutrition Fundamental Guide will have you looking at nutrients in a way a casual Google search could never teach you. It gives you the nutrition basics you need in order to make any meaningful body composition strides. It also gives an “all too easy” way to approach complicated nutrition methods, such as carbohydrate cycling. (I can’t believe it’s not butter kind of easy…)

The X Physique Training Primer lights the philosophical pathway for training. It lets you know what methods work and also why the program is structured the way it is. If, down the line, you want to branch into a different training focus, the primer would give you the information you need to make that happen without feeling lost in a sea of randomness. It’s a general overview of applying the Great Eight exercises for the X Physique (with the addition of a few extras knowing the concerns specific for a skinny-fat sufferer) into a training program.

The X Physique Training Program shows you different templates for the Great Eight (+4 extra) exercises for the X Physique. It fills in any gaps you’d have (after reading the primer) and gives examples to make sure you have more than enough to get on your way. You won’t have to spend hours deciphering things. Maybe you’re already at the level where you can do weighted chins? Don’t worry. Got you covered. Sample week to give you an idea of how the program would play out? Covered. Cool little tables to make things easy to understand? You bet.

The Lifestyle & Kitchen Hacks Resource is the secret sauce behind maintaining a lifestyle needed for body composition changes. It’s the stuff no one talks about, yet everyone does behind the scenes. How do you deal with nutrition habits at work? How do you deal with changing without de-friending your friends? How do you cook food in a time efficient way? How do you *gasp* enjoy eating vegetables? What spices make food taste good? Why is cheese the greatest thing in the world? (OK, so I don’t exactly tackle that last issue, but I’ll admit to the premise of it.)

Skinny-Fat Solution Hyper Pack


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